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We hope that the series of foot-ball games which begins to-day with the game between eighty-six and eighty-nine, and which is to decide what class shall hold the championship of the college, will have all the interest and attention from the students at large that it deserves. The men who are struggling to tide Harvard over this off year for foot-ball certainly merit all the support that the college can give them, and the games to be played this week and next should be interesting to all, and should be witnessed by as many as can possibly find time to attend. It would be a most welcome circumstance if the class feeling, which last spring's base-ball contests aroused, could be aroused to as high a pitch at this time over the battles on the foot-ball field. Let the members of the different classes encourage their teams by being present at the games, by evincing more than a passing interest in the results, and by showing how heartily they are able to cheer. The hearty cheering will have the advantage of warming both the bodies of the cheerers and spectators, and the spirits of the contestants.
