The Williams Literary Magazine recently published the following statements on base-ball:
"It is probable that there will be a radical change in the constitution of the old base-ball league. We have it from authority that Dartmouth will not remain in unless she be reinstated in full, having her share of games on the home campus. It is said that Amherst also intends withdrawing. Now it is evident at once that in the old league there has been no contest between the six colleges composing it. It has almost always been a foregone conclusion that Harvard, Yale, and Princeton would hold the three first places; and so they have used the other teams merely as a means for practice. Fourth place in the league has practically been first place for Amherst, Dartmouth and Brown. Further, it is a common - whether just or not - complaint, that, in case of a close game between a large and small college, the umpire, holding his position by virtue of the support of the large college, always gives all close decisions to the large college. Dartmouth lost two games last year in which she out-played her opponents (large colleges) in all points. obviously there would be very little satisfaction in the contest, even could we gain admission to the league on terms of equality, which, by the way, is out of the question. And so the plan has been broached that a new base-ball league be formed, to include Dartmouth, Amherst, Brown and Williams. We know already that there is a strong sentiment in favor of this move in Dartmouth and Amherst, and have little doubt but it would be well received by Brown also. Such a league would give us plenty of games, and furnish a fair and exciting contest. The colleges would be very evenly matched, and each would be incited to do its best. Let us have this plan discussed, and see if we cannot play something better than local or professional teams next year."
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