By a mistake, the revised scheme which bears the approval of the faculty, was not published in one of our former issues. We therefore print this scheme below, and invite careful attention to it. The faculty voted.
1. That a committee of conference be established with members taken partly from the college faculty and partly from the students, to act during the next academic year.
2. That the committee of the faculty consist of five members appointed by the president at the beginning of the academic year; and that the chairman of the committee be chairman of the committee of conference.
3. (a) That the student members of the committee be elected by ballots at polls kept open not less than one day; that they may be elected for one year, during the second week of the college year, - except the freshman members, who shall be elected during the second week after the Christmas recess; and that the votes of each class be counted by the president and secretary of the class.
(b) That each senior deposit a paper, bearing over his signature the names of five members of his class; each junior, in like manner, a paper with the names of four members of his class; each sophomore, in like manner, a paper with the names of three members of his class; each freshman, in like manner, a paper with the names of two members of his class.
(c) That the five members of the senior class who receive the greatest number of votes from their class, together with the four juniors, three sophomores, and two freshmen who receive the greatest number of votes from their respective classes become members of the committee; and that the faculty and student members present at the first meeting of the year elect two members at large from the college.
4. That the committee shall also invite to any particular conference such other persons who are known to be especially familiar with the subjects to be discussed; but persons so invited shall not have a vote.
5. That the business of the conference be the discussion of subjects proposed either by the faculty members or the student members; but that, in the order of business, subjects for discussion brought before the committee by the faculty members as a body shall not have a vote.
6. That resolutions passed by a majority vote of the student members be reported to the faculty by the chairman, who shall subsequently report to the committee of conference the action taken by the faculty.
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