Although the interest in foot-ball at Harvard is at present at about as low a point as it could be, there seems to be no diminution in the foot-ball excitement at other colleges. Yale, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania and Wesleyan, have formed a college league, as is well known probably to most of our readers, and the old rivalry between Yale and Princeton seems as fierce as ever. At Yale the foot-ball men began work several days before the opening of the college year, and strenuous efforts are being made to make good the loss of the strong players who graduated with eighty-five. According to the Yale papers, the great difficulty is to get a heavy rushe line. A large number of candidates for the eleven have appeared, but they are for the most part light men, although very active and ready to do hard, careful work on the team. At Princeton the prospects for a strong team are very cheering, and there seems to be a good deal of confidence in the college that their representatives will give Yale a hard fight this year. There is a probability that Moffatt will play again this year, and there is, as at Yale, a large number of candidates for positions on the eleven. The foot-ball men here began work two or three weeks ago, and have been at it, rain or shine, every day since the term began. The University of Pennsylvania has secured the services of a paid coach for the foot-ball season, and expects to give the other teams in the league a hard pull, even if she does not win one or two games,-a result not unexpected by many of the Pennsylvania men. Of Wesleyan, all that can be said is that she has always had a strong team in the past, as Harvard men cannot help remembering, and expects to equal her past teams this year, and to prove a match for the University of Pennsylvania at least.
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