The Yale Courant makes the following suggestions: -
"We have learned from sad experience that a crew which rows to win must not only have undergone a rigid and severe course of discipline, but must have also acquired a uniformity of style, which is itself the result of long and constant training. Regularity and precision of stroke are essential conditions of success. Many methods have been adopted to secure these advantages, but none of them have proved particularly precise or accurate. Recently, however, a device has been resorted to among professional oarsmen which bids fair to accomplish the desired end. Photographs of crews in motion have been taken by the instantaneous process, and so clearly brought out to the minutest detail, that fair and accurate criticism of style has been rendered possible. Of course, in the case of the class crews, such trouble is scarcely worth the while, but it seems to us that the university might profit to no small extent by acting on the suggestion. Who can tell how far an expedient of this sort might help us in winning a victory in 1886?"
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