J. W. Brine, the Harvard outfitter, measured the Yale foot-ball team for their new uniforms at New Haven yesterday.
Lost: - A rectangular cuff button with design surface. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving at 14 Hollis Hall.
Freshman Physics. - Any one wishing an experienced tutor for the makeup examination, Friday, Oct. 30, will do well to apply to Perry Lawton, 46 College House.
Student Boarders. - One club table can be accommodated at No. 16 Oxford street, and also a few seats at the general table. Mrs. W. J. Pike.
To Let. - At a discount, room, 12 Hilton building. Apply to James M. Hilton, 47 Oxford street.
Rooms to Let. - Three very elegant rooms, single or in suite, (unfurnished) may be had at 764 Main street.
Arrival of European steamer with goods for J. W. Brine. 500 white al wool Sweaters; 500 all wool Cordigan Jackets; 5,000 yards English Flannel; 300 English Mackintoshe's; 500 Rugby Foot Balls. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.
J. F. Noera, the Harvard Furnishing Store, has received a large line of English striped flannel from England; also keeps a large line of all kinds of Furnishing Goods from the famous house of Fiske, Clark & Flagg. Dunlap hats, gymnasium goods a specialty. J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard Street.
J. F. Noera, the Harvard Furnishing Store, has employed Mr. J. Rogers, formerly with the well-known tailoring establishment of John Mitchell & Co. of N. Y. as cutter; has given him charge of his tailoring establishment Cleansing garments will be done by the steam naptha process, which is ne plus ultra. 436 Harvard Street.
A full assortment of square and upright pianos is for sale or rent to students on reasonable terms, at No. 11 Brattle Street.
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