Revolving time invariably brings back to us old friends and old schemes. Some time ago it was proposed to establish a reading-room where the students might be able to consult the prominent daily papers and the leading periodicals. It was found to be impracticable, and the plan died a natural death. The plan is again revived and now promises to be realized. An effort is being made to interest the students in the movement, and it is hoped that it will soon prove an institution of permanence and general benefit. There has long been needed some means by which the students can be able to consult the papers of the day with greater facility than at present. While the library now has several papers on file the proposed reading-room will offer a better opportunity to the students for consulting them. The number of publications also will be very much larger than that which the library at present contains. The reading-room will fill a long felt want, and deserves the highest encouragement from the students. We hope that the plan will be successfully carried out, and that the reading-room when once established will receive that support which it is sure to deserve.
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