
Tennis Tournament.

In spite of the unfavorable weather yesterday, the tournament was completed before four o'clock. In the singles Lee beat Federhen, 6-4, 6-3, and in the finals was beaten by Philip Sears after a brilliant contest, 6-2, 6-3, 7-5. In the last round of the doubles, the Sears brothers beat Kuhn and Keep, 6-4, 6-4, 6-4. Philip Sears is the college champion in singles, and he and his brother hold the championship in doubles. The tournament was a great contrast to last year's, the playing being spirited throughout and the whole affair being conducted on a very prompt and punctual basis. The association is to be congratulated on its success. Without doubt the most promising player the tournament has brought out is Lee, '89. His playing was strong and brilliant, though he showed poor judgment in his base-line tactics. With good coaching he will make a remarkably fine player.
