The plank walks are beginning to appear here and there about the college buildings with very commendable promptness. We hope that the interest on the fund for plank walks will be large enough to allow at least the annual addition to the stock. There are many places in the grounds where walks would be appreciated, where in years gone by, during times of thawing, men have been not only delayed on their way to recitation, but even quite frequently obliged to turn back and give up their recitations entirely. We believe that it is good for college and students alike that the plank walks in the yard be both promptly and plentifully bestowed. These piers, stretching out from the various buildings into the rivers and seas, which our yard is heir to, are of inestimable value to the life and health of the students, and few men could be persuaded to set out for recitation at all if they did not have the plank piers to pull up upon at the most dangerous parts of the grounds.
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