It would seem as though the athletic question, in all its branches and subdivisions, would never be settled for the members of this university; or, if settled, matters must be so shaped as to give the students the greatest possible trouble and inconvenience. On a recent evening, we are informed, two students took their boxing gloves and went down to the sparring room of the gymnasium. Finding it locked, they applied at the office for the key, and were there told that some one had taken it away, presumably one of the instructors who occupy the room. Being more than surprised at this a visit was immediately made to the gentleman in charge of the gymnasium, and from him they learned a fact which, while being of interest to all, is especially important to those students who are interested in boxing. The fact earned was this: that the room in question was not for the use of the students at large, but only for the pupils of the aforesaid instructors. As these men pay nothing to the college for the use of the room, exactly where they get their exclusive right to it is not known. While we dislike to be continually complaining of the mismanagement which is infallibly shown in some quarters, we think it is time to draw the line. Again and again has that sparring room been the scene of boxing exhibitions between outsiders; outsiders whose antecedents it might be well for our anti-professional faculty to investigate. If the gymnasium, or any part of it, was built for such men, to the exclusion of the students of this university, we suppose it is all right, and we should be thankful that we are permitted to use the building at all. But if not, it seems proper that we should be allowed as much freedom in the rooms it contains as is accorded to any chance-comer from the lower districts of Cambridge or Boston.
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