
Fact and Rumor.

Theses in Philosophy IV on Hobbes are due to-day.

Yale is to play a foot-ball game with Trinity soon.

Williston Seminary defeated Amherst, '89, last week by a score of 24 to 0.

A Brown freshman is thirty-two years old, married, and has two children.

The first meeting of the faculty conference will be held this afternoon, in Sever 5, at 4 p. m.


There was a cut in English V yesterday. There will also be a cut in the course to-morrow.

The second sophomore theme is due to-day. Mr. Clymer will return theme I at Sever 5, between 2 and 4.30 p. m.

Mr. Baker, '86, will endeaver to break the half-mile inter-collegiate record at the handicap meeting on Saturday.

The Bicycle Club will take a run to Middlesex Fells Friday afternoon, starting at 2 p.m. in front of University.

For lack of space we leave out the report of the Shooting Club scores, which will be published to-morrow.

A meeting of all those interested in the subject of a grand stand on Holmes will be held to-day, in Holden, at 7.30 p. m.

A few of the required text books for History 2 have been imported and will be at Sever's in a few days. All who wish them should sign for them at once.

The two mile bicycle record is now 6m. 17s., made by Kohler, University of Pennsylvania, on Saturday last. Mr. Dean will endeavor to recover his record next Saturday.

There was a well attended meeting of the Ornithological Club in Mass. 2 last evening to answer a circular sent them by the U. S. Department of Agriculture on Ornithological subjects.

Mr. J. H. B. Easton has returned to the Law School, where he will take the second and third year courses. This saves a fine voice to the Glee Club and brings back the finest anchor Harvard ever had to the tug-of-war team.

Bob Cook, the famous Yale coach, yesterday had an altercation with a negro employe in Philadelphia, and was struck by the latter in the forehead with a hatchet. Mr. Cook was removed to the hospital where his skull was found to be badly fractured; the doctors say he has not one chance in a thousand to live.
