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The present fair weather offers especial inducements for scrub games of foot-ball. The active formation of many elevens is already going on. No field of athletic enjoyment and profitable exercise presents so many attractions to the average non-athletic man as scrub foot-ball. Here he is fairly matched against men who know as little of the game as himself, and who can yell as loudly and do as little as himself. This system of scrub games is one of the best for fostering a lively interest in foot-ball, for by it men of every stamp of athletic attainment can find a field for their work. Of course, the games will not be highly scientific, but they will at least be highly entertaining. The desperation of many of the contests is a psychological phenomenon. How men can become so worked up to white heat, to such a pitch of frenzy over these games is worthy of the investigation of some giant intellect. But the healthiness of the excitement is indubitable, and the games are excelled in interest only by the perennial victory of the dusky men of Memorial over the celebrated "Who-Does" of Boston.
