
Fact and Rumor.

There was a cut in History XIII yesterday.

Students in Phil. 4 will take up Shaftesbury after next Thursday.

The daily themes in Philosophy I will hereafter be counted as part of the year's work.

Mr. Frederic Wedmore will lecture on "Modern Life in Art," in Sever 11, Thursday, Oct. 29th.

Thatcher, '87, by defeating Shipman, '86; has won the finals in the Yale lawn tennis tournament.


Those juniors who take English V will be released from the annual masterpiece in that course.

S. Hodge, '86, wins the championship of Princeton in lawn tennis, defeating McCarter in the finals on Friday.

We shall publish soon, as we usually do at this time, a detailed criticism of the '89 eleven, by an old foot-ball player.

A book has been placed in the Co-operative for signatures for the proposed reading-room. As yet but a few have signed.

Winners of the scratch races can obtain their cups by applying at Bartlett's. Freshmen must ask for cups marked '89.

The Yale Record has appeared in a new and very handsome cover.

It is rumored that Prof. Lane's Latin Grammar will be out soon.

Interesting fact: "Students wear their hats to meals at Memorial Hall." - Williams Fortnight.

The finals in the doubles between Sears Bros. and Kuhn and Keep will be played to-day, at 12, and will doubtless be very interesting.

Baker, '86, will run an exhibition 3-8-mile race to-day at the freshman meeting, and endeavor to break the record in that event.
