Some comment has been made upon the freshman game at Southboro which may lead the freshmen to feel their position with reference to foot-ball rather desperate. Nothing has been more familiar in past years than for our freshman foot-ball elevens and base-ball nines to encounter defeat at the outset. How familiar to us have grown such phrases as "freshmen rattled," "wretched game," "decided brace," etc. It is the custom for freshman teams to feel defeat. They need it. But to draw too hopeless a conclusion from defeat is not the means to accomplish a necessary end. It would be strange, indeed, if eighty-nine did not possess sufficient and suitable material to form a good eleven. There are good men in the class, and they need only the proper encouragement to go on the field. With a firm determination to success the freshmen can afford to get "rattled" and play a "wretched game," for there will ensue that "decided brace" which always comes at the right moment. So let the freshmen take heart and feel that steady work will soon put them in as good condition for work as their predecessors.
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