
Fact and Rumor.

Theses in Phil. 4 on Hobbes are due on Thursday.

Seats have been assigned in Political Economy 4.

Subjects for thesis in History 13 have been announced.

The new restaurant in Manter Hall will be open in a few days.

Prof. MacVane has been elected President of the Historical Society.


Mr. W. A. Hervey, '87, has been elected a regular editor of the CRIMSON.

According to the latest report, Mr. E. J. Ferris is not going to Dartmouth, but will remain at Harvard.

The Phillipian shows commendable enterprise in publishing a full sized extra with its last issue. Foot-ball and a tennis tournament are its causes.

To-day, there will be an examination in German 1 for both sections in Sever 35 at 1.20 o'clock. Blue books and the Braune Erica should be brought to the examination.

The Acta Columbiana has just made its reappearance with a handsome new cover. We regret to say that it complains of lack of support from the college. A paper of such merit should not be allowed to go unappreciated by a college with only one other paper to support.

The injuries to College House, resulting from the late explosion, are nearly repaired. The unfortunate victims are rapidly recovering from their bodily discomfiture.

The following members of the Union have been appointed on the next debate: affirmative, B. G. Davis, L. S. M. C. Hobbs, L. S.; negative, F. E. E. Hamilton, '87, R. Duane, '88.

R. D. Smith, A. B. Houghton, C. A. Brown, and P. G. Bolster have been elected to the Historical Society. The first regular meeting of the society will be held on next Monday. Mr. McClure will read a paper on the recent Afghan troubles.

A. H. Lloyd, '86 has been elected managing editor of the CRIMSON, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of E. J. Rich, '87. L. M. Garrison, '88, has been promoted to the position of secretary, made vacant by the resignation of J. M. Merriam, '86.

The eleven which represented '89 at St. Marks, Saturday, was as follows: rushers, Morgan, McKean, Trafford, Morse, Markoe, Newell, Woodbury; half backs, Perkins, Scott; full back, Perry. Noble, ex-'88 played a very good game for '89 as quarter back.

Columbia College traces its origin to a law entitled as follows: "An act for raising the sum of two thousand, two hundred and fifty pounds, by a public lottery for this colony, for the encouragement of learning, and for the founding of a college within the same."

Mr. F. J. Furnival speaks as follows on Prof. Child's "English and Scottish Ballads": "It seems strange at first sight that Englishmen should leave literary work which specially belongs to them to be done by Germans and Americans. And now we have the only fit edition of our best English and Scotch ballads by an American, too, - the well known Chaucer scholar, Professor F. J. Child of Harvard. The ballad lover confesses gladly that no one else has done such admirable work at our old popular ballads as Professor Child is doing has done. The book is an honor to its editor, and America. It ought to find its way into every real English library, and it will prove a mine of sterling ore to every student who digs into it."

Governor elect Foraker has replied to the Cornell students, thanking them for congratulations.
