
Fact and Rumor.

Princeton held her fall games last Thursday. No records were broken.

Make-up examination in Freshman Physics, Oct. 30, 9 a.m., in 9 Jefferson.

Edward Everett Hale preached an interesting sermon on prayer last evening.

Every issue of the Cambridge Tribune contains many columns of matter interesting to collegians.

Cornell has 610 students, 68 of whom are ladies. This is the greatest number ever enrolled at one time.


The Exonian is jubilant over victories in tennis and foot-ball with Andover and the "Tech" respectively.

Sections I and II of German will recite at 9 and l2 o'clock respectively, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

The executive-committee of the Union has placed reserved books, bearing on the next subject for debate, in alcove 5 in the Library.

Yale's new dormitory is named Lawrance Hall in memory of T. G. Lawrance. The new Y. M. C. A. building is to be called Dwight Hall.

An election of freshman directors of the H. D. A. will be held on Thursday at dinner. Freshmen are urged to leave nominations with the Auditor.

Freshmen from Abbott to Knapp should consult their monitor if they are uncertain about their seats in chapel. Some changes have been made in the assignment.

Yale's fall athletic meeting was held on Saturday. The events were well contested, but no records were broken. '89 won the tug-of-war, pulling the ribbon from '88 by five inches.

Twenty-two American students have left St. Laurent College, Montreal. They claim that they have had improper food and that small pox has broken out among the students.

The Yale Courant prophesies victory for the blue in the foot-ball contest this fall. The Yale News, however, admits, in regard to foot-ball, that "the situation is desperate."

What is more exasperating to a sophomore who loses his hat at Memorial than to have the freshman who takes it, apologize by saying, "I had lost my own and this one just fitted me." Yet such things do happen.

Exaggerated reports are appearing about the late explosion in College House. It may be well, therefore, to say that the men were not seriously injured, and that the dormitory is not a mass of ruins and even is not unsafe.

Classes for elementary instruction in Elocution have been formed as follows: - Section A, Mondays at 11 a.m.; Section B, Mondays at 12 m.; Section C, Mondays at 3 p.m.; Section D, Tuesdays at 11 a.m.; Section E, Thursdays at 11 a.m.

The entries for the Tech athletic games to be held next Saturday closed yesterday. The entries have been few, and it is highly probable that the games will not take place. In case there are no games the Technology foot-ball team will play the Yale 'varsity team on the Union Athletic grounds.

A painting of ex-President White of Cornell has been given to that University by the trustees. It bears the inscription: "Andrew Dickinson White, L. L. D. One of the trustees and first President of Cornell University, 1865-1885. His fellow trustees at the close of his twenty years of devoted service place this Memorial."
