
Note and Comment.


The galleries of the chapel were well filled this morning by people who appreciated the fact that Canon Farrar. would speak a few words to the students. Canon Farrar began by saying that, connected as he was with the two English Universities, the names and institutions of Yale and the other prominent American colleges were familiar to him; that England's scholars and England's divines followed the researches of ours. Standing before such a large body of young men, he felt compelled to say, as an English divine had said before, "I bid you aspire" Seek better things. There are, however, three classifications of better things. The lowest - but one not to be despised - the personal success of rank and wealth. This is in the power of any who has iron enough in his nature to say, "I ought, I can, I will." Higher, is the service of one's country. One, who as a patriot can rank himself with that list, has not lived in vain. But highest is the ambition - neither personal or patriotic - to be a Christian. No names will be brighter than these. To do this you must make yourselves men; and what he meant by this term, he illustrated by quotations from Aristotle and Emerson, and an English poet. - Yale News.
