Although it has been the custom in past years to offer to the students a course of voluntary evening readings the readings which are offered to us this year far surpass in interest those which have been offered for several years. Great care has been taken in the selection of the readings, and they are given by gentlemen whose names assure those who care to interest themselves in the matter that attendance will fully repay any one for the time he may give to it. The most prominent gentlemen in their several departments are lending their best efforts to the success of the course, and the readings already given are examples of the excellence which may justly be expected in the readings which are to follow. Too many of us are apt to lay aside the classical or even the modern languages, when once our minds are diverted to other channels of study. It is exactly for such men that the course has been established. Little effort is required to attend these readings, and there is no supplementary course of instruction offered to us which will repay so well the time bestowed upon it as this. No man who attends these readings can help feeling a renewed interest in the languages which, perhaps, have ceased to engage his mind, while making a determination to become more closely acquainted with them.
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