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Several complaints have recently been received concerning the actions of the bursar. There has long been felt throughout the college a dissatisfaction at the conduct of this gentleman toward the students. Many of his acts have bordered slightly on the tyrannical with no rules to support them. It is true that in past years, and even at present, perhaps, some of the students have irritated the bursar by their strenuous efforts to acquire rooms despite his efforts to the contrary. Notwithstanding this, the innocent should not be made to pay the penalty due the guilty. At least there should be formulated a set of rules governing the action of the bursar that the students who are compelled to feel the weight of the financial rod might know by what regulations they are pressed to the wall. The complaints which have reached us have come from angry hearts and seething brains. While we can easily (far too easily) appreciate the feelings of these men we would counsel that the citadel of their enemy be attacked in a calm and methodical way. Regulations by the faculty are the only means of obviating this growing evil.
