Shortly after two o'clock yesterday afternoon two elevens chosen from among the members of the Glee Club and the Pierian assembled on Jarvis for a match game. The Glee Club eleven was captained by Harrison, '86, and comprised the following men: Edgerly, '86, Shippen, Faulkner, Rogers, '87, Chollet, Lund, Wood, Swarts, Honore, '88, Naumburg, '89. The Pierian eleven was captained by Morrison, '87, in the absence of Cabot, and was made up as follows: Cary, Henry, Hood, '86; Hillebrand, Forchheimer, Zinkeisen, A. H. Osgood, '87; Gibson, S. A. Carpenter, B. Carpenter, '88. From the first it was evident that the Glee Club was too much for the Pierian. Within three minutes a touch-down was scored by the former and a goal kicked. Touchdowns for the Glee Club followed in quick succession, but no more goals were obtained. The Pierian made one safety before time was called for a rest. In the second half the Glee Club made a touchdown and the Pierian three safeties. Score, 30 to 0. The men all seemed to enjoy themselves very much. Wood and Hillebrand especially distinguished themselves. Referee, W. B. Phillips, 86.
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