Notices, if not more than five lines, inserted in this column for 50 cents each insertion, or $2.00 a week. For over five lines the rates are doubled. "Lost" and "found" notices, if short, inserted once free; every additional insertion, 50 cents. All notices must be paid for in advance.
Rooms to Let. - Suite of rooms furnished. Also single room, modern convenience. Three minutes from Memorial Hall and Law School. Apply at 53 Oxford street.
When men want a few specially fine cigars they go to HUBBARD, THE CAMBRIDGE APOTHECARY, and tell him so. He then sells them some. He also has for sale excellent banjo strings, and violin strings and bridges for those melodious instruments. He would recommend to those "Upon whose chins hath scarce appeared the uncertain prophecy of a beard," that they buy of him an Engstrom razor, or one of those made by LeCoultre. They are of the finest steel and keenest edge.
Bonus given with room 40 Thayer. Desirable location, corner room, south and east. Apply to Bursar, or call at 19 Matthews.
Piano - To rent for practice, at 18 Prescott street. Also pleasant, sunny furnished and unfurnished rooms.
To Let. - A sunny study and bed room in Thayer. Rent $125.00. Bonus given. Apply at 8 Hollis or to Bursar.
For Sale. - Bed-room furniture, mattress and springs. Inquire of janitor of Holyoke.
Bonus given with rooms at 10 Holyoke Street. Sunny, near the yard, very desirable, given up at last moment. Apply at once.
Ed. J. Ferris, the instructor in boxing at the gymnasium has returned, and will form classes in sparring at once. He wishes that all those who did not complete their lessons last spring would call upon him.
To Let. - Two large rooms, newly papered in new house. No. 9 Bow St.
J. F. Noera, the Harvard Furnishing Store, has received a large line of English striped flannel from England; also keeps a large line of all kinds of Furnishing Goods from the famous house of Fiske, Clark & Flagg. Dunlap hats, gymnasium goods a specialty. J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard Street.
To Harvard Students. - Custom clothing, fit guaranteed. Clothing renovated in first-class manner. English Blazers, Sweaters and finest line of English goods to be found in this market. J. W. Brine, Harvard Outfitter, No.s 10 and 11 Harvard Row.
J. F. Noera, the Harvard Furnishing Store, has employed Mr. J. Rogers, formerly with the well-known tailoring establishment of John Mitchell & Co. of N. Y. as cutter; has given him charge of his tailoring establishment Cleansing garments will be done by the steam naptha process, which is no plus ultra. 436 Harvard Street.
Found. - On Jarvis Field, a silver pin, marked "First Prize," with other engraving upon it. Owner may apply to Tom O'Hara.
A full assortment of square and upright pianos is for sale or rent to students on reasonable terms, at No. 11 Brattle Street.
If the gentleman who took my hat by mistake will have the kindness to return it to No. 14 Matthews, he will confer a great favor upon the owner.
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