
Note and Comment.


In the faculty a number of permanent and temporary changes have been made. Prof. James F. Colby, of the Law School, has resigned his office to accept a class of political enconomy at Dartmouth. His place is filled by Prof. Theodore D. Woolsey, who resigned two years ago, and has now returned to the law school's corps of instructors. Prof. E. J. Phelps's appointment as Minister to England has left a vacancy which will probably be filled by Prof. Simeon E. Baldwin, who will instruct the seniors in constitutional and international law. Mr. Arthur E. Hadley continues his lectures on railroads, notwithstanding his appointment to the head of the State Bureau of Labor Statistics. Prof. Eugene L. Richards is seriously ill in the Adirondacks, and it is not probable that he can return to his college duties for some time to come. During his absence Profs. Andrew W. Phillips and Willlam Beebe will have the freshmen in mathematics. The death of the lamented Prof. Packard leaves vacant the Hillhouse Professorship of Greek. His successor has not yet been appointed, and the classes in Greek will be under the charge of Profs. T. D. Seymour and Frank B. Tarbell. Now that the college is settled down to work it is expected that the optional system, introduced a year ago, will prove even more satisfactory than it did last year. It is, in a measure, an experiment, but it is almost certain that it will prove practicable. - N. Y. Times.
