
Fact and Rumor.

The Literary Monthly is due to-day.

There will be a sight examination in Greek 5 to-day.

'87 and '89 were the teams on Jarvis yesterday.

The freshman eleven will be chosen within a few days.

There is an examination in Philosophy 2, Friday.


"Coxwain" is the peculiar spelling on one of the junior crew cups.

Holden, '88 has not left college to enter the Institute of Technology as reported.

The publication of the second article on the Union is necessarily delayed until to-morrow.

The prize cups won by '87 in the class races last spring are on exhibition in Bartlett's window.

Vinton, Yale, '88, has been selected to train the candidates for pitcher of the freshman nine.

The Institute foot-ball team has been asked by Yale to play two games, one in New Haven and the other in Boston.

The Cornell college base-ball club twice last week defeated the Syracuse Stars, state champions. Scores, 8 to 5, 7 to 5.

Two Italians with a clever assortment of trained birds proved quite an attraction in front of Memorial at lunch, yesterday.

A few more chairs should be placed in Mass. 3 at once, as there are not seats enough for all in some of the larger sections which recite there.

Orders for fruit can be sent down at Memorial at dinner to be filled immediately on the arrival of the student at breakfast in the morning.
