And in this connection we would say a word in regard to a communication which found place in our issue of yesterday. The article referred to seemed to intimate that the non-society element in the class would be overshadowed by the influence of the three great senior societies. The impression thus conveyed is, in a degree, erroneous. It cannot be denied that the members of a society will vote for a candidate who is a member of their own fraternity in preferance to another with whom they are less well acquainted. Yet to our knowledge there has been no society caucus held, nor is there any society sate to be presented at the meeting to-night. In fact, if we are not misinformed, the constitutions of the three senior fraternities expressly prohibit any participation in class politics. We therefore urge every non-society man to attend the election, with the assurance that there is to be a fair field and no favor for every candidate.
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Politics and Rallies.