

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: - It has been customary in past years, at least up to the time of '85, for the non-society men of the senior class to hold a caucus and to perfect an organization to counteract in some degree the so-called "influence" of the large societies in the election of class-day officers. While I by no means wish to imply that the present state of affairs demands such concerted action, I wish through your columns to impress on non-society men the importance of a full attendance at the election. This not only would tend to remove the idea that has become gradually fixed in the past, that the large absence of non-society men shows their hopelessness in contending against what has been already settled, but would be only just to the men who are to represent the class, and would denote a desire "to see the best men win." Let the non-society men of '86 be well represented on Tuesday night.

