Now that there is every sign that the conference committee for the coming year is about to become something more than a college myth, it may not be amiss to propose a few topics that may properly come before this faculty-student body. Of course the department of athletics will furnish more or less material for discussion, and student government at times of great rejoicing will also be a fruitful theme. If, however, after having disposed of the pressing demands of these two, the conference becomes subject to ennui, there is another field of labor to which the members can turn with profit. This field is none other than the old marking system now in vogue, and the evils of cramming and cribbing that are inseparably connected with it. A comparison of the different methods for marking used in American colleges and a discussion of the merits of each would be of great advantage. What better body for such work could we find than our future college conference where views of the examiner and the examined; the mark-giving power, and his victim, can be cast together and be sifted.
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Examinations Today.