
Report of the Treasurer of the H. U. B. C.

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - Dear Sirs: When I assumed the management of the finances of the Boat Club at the beginning of last year, there was a debt of more than $2000.00. In the reduction of this debt I have paid, according to the following accounts $2080.94. In handing over the accounts of the present treasurer. I have bills against us to the amount of $1737.54. Toward the payment of these bills I have in cash $160.11 and, in bills receivable, all of which I consider certain of being paid $308.42, making my excess of liabilities over assets $1269.01. From this it can be seen that I have reduced the debt of the Boat Club $350, in round numbers. Considering that the Hasty Pudding theatricals yielded exactly $404 less than they did last year, my accounts show a reduction of $750. This reduction is mostly due to careful management by Capt. Storrow, whose purpose it was to run the crew on strictly economical principles, to which purpose he steadily adhered. I have felt and still feel that to manage the Boat Club money extravagantly or carelessly is not only wasteful, but demoralizing to the crew and everyone connected with the crew. More than this, I consider it bad in point of policy and worse in point of honesty. I desire to thank, through your columns, Mr. Flagg, '87; Mr. Wheelwright, '87; Mr. Bowles, '87, Mr. Dexter, '87; and Mr. Scoffield, '87 for their kind assistance in collecting subscriptions.

W. R. WILSON.Accounts of Treasurer H. U. B. C. for year 1884-1885.


To balance from Treas. '83-'84 $103.72

Subscriptions from all sources 3657.50


Hasty Pudding theatricals 600.00

Sale of tickets to referee's tug 57.00

Crew and others for expenses incurred 569.60

Sale of Glee Club concert tickets 154.00

Rent of boats, lockers, rests, etc. 126.59

Class crews, for expenses incurred and sale of two shells 1105.30

Entrance single scull race 1.00

Miscellaneous receipts 2.17

Entrance scratch races 34.50


Total. $6411.38


By paying bills due from '83-'84 $2080.94

Expressage, postage, telegrams and stationery 42.52

Rent of boat house and lockers in gymnasium 502.71

Rowing costumes 50.00

Stretchers 40.60

W. A. Bancroft, for services in beginning of year 150.00

Insurance 25.00

Oars 121.30

Charles T. Lewis, Caterer, at New London 115.75

Provisions, storage, conveyance and board at New London 251.49

Harriet Morgan, board 200.00

Owners steamer Cecil 20.00

Prize cups 48.96

Crew and others, expenses incurred 292.11

Boat built by Fearon 100.00

Fitting cedar shell, John Blakey 50.00

J. & G. Smyth, services 1118.01

Transportation of launch 65.85

Boston Tow Boat Co. 80.00

Purchase of shell from '85 310.00

Owners steamer Skip Jack 25.50

Labor at boat house and elsewhere, including blacksmith and machine work 123.40

Hardware, paint, varnish, &c. 51.23

Janitor of Holden Chapel 1.00

Extra labor at boat house 300.00

Crocker House, New London 1.75

Printing 48.00

Miscellaneous expenses 35.15

Cash on hand 160.11



Condition of Treasury, close of year.


Bills receivable, (not including subscriptions) $308.42

Cash on hand 160.11

Excess of liabilities over assets 1269.01




Bills payable $1737.54


Total, $1737.54

F. S. COOLIDGE.Table of subscriptions.

Subscribers. No. in class. No. subscribers. Amount subscribed. Amount paid. Amount due. Av'ge subscript'n. Per cent. paid.

85. 191 66 $908 00 $834 00 $74 00 $13 75 .918

86. 234 99 999 00 951 00 48 00 10 09 .951

87. 256 100 977 00 890 00 87 00 9 77 .921

88. 255 91 715 50 656 50 59 00 7 86 .918

Unmatr. students. 70 16 171 00 144 00 27 00 10 68 .842

Law Students. 153 11 66 00 66 00 6 00 1.000

Scientific students. 4 21 00 16 00 5 00 5 25 .761

Outside and anon. 28 3 100 00 100 00 33 33 1.000

-- -- -- -- -- -- --

Totals, 1187 390 $3957 50 $3657 50 $300 00 $10 14 .924

Highest subscription, $50.00. Lowest subscription, $.50.
