The notice to be found in another column announcing the annual meeting of the Shooting Club marks the commencement of the third year of that organization's existence. In a quiet yet effective way this club has been promoting the interests of the shooting men of the university. Its matches have been fairly well arranged to meet the needs of the members, and the score sheets have shown good lists of entries and some excellent totals during the meetings of the year just closed. Considering the difficulties which invariably impede the progress of any new enterprise we think it may be said that the club has thus far succeeded in fulfilling the purpose for which it was founded, and we feel that the gentlemen who have conducted its affairs may congratulate themselves upon the excellent results of their labor. The present year, however, will be a critical one in the career of the association. The members of the senior class, by whom the club was founded and by whom its affairs have been chiefly managed, must necessarily soon give up the control to the shooting men in the lower classes. The very existence of the organization depends upon the interest of the underclassmen. Tonight's meeting, therefore, is an unusually important one, and we urge all the shooting men of the university, whether they are at present members of the club or not, to be present at it.
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