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Our attention has been called to a new project which is at present being discussed by some of the gentlemen holding prominent positions in college musical matters. Briefly stated, the gentlemen in question are considering the advisability of making a marked departure from the usual routine of college musical events, and are planning the presentation of an oratorio, or of some other musical work of respectable magnitude. The success of the Boylston Club in rendering such compositions leads us to believe that an attempt of this kind by the vocal and instrumental talent of the college would be sure of a favorable reception. The members of the Glee Club would form a nucleus for an excellent choral organization, while no better accompaniment could be desired than that which the Pierian Sodality, in its present efficient state, would furnish. The plan is a good one, and deserves a thorough trial. Our columns are open to criticisms and suggestions regarding the matter, and we earnestly invite the members of the university to make known their opinions of the proposed plan.
