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At the risk of seeming to harp continually upon one subject we again call the attention of the undergraduates to the importance of attending the annual meetings of the various college organizations. We have been requested by the management of the Athletic Association to urge strongly upon the college the necessity of being present this evening at the meeting of that body in Holden Chapel. The importance of the work done by this association is too generally known to require an elaborate explanation in these columns, yet the sublime confidence shown by the students that its affairs will be managed, - and managed well - by somebody, calls for a word of warning. In the past the association has been extremely fortunate in its officers, yet this good fortune has been the result of chance rather than that of the exercise of any special forethought on the part of the members of the society. If in the future our track athletics are to be kept up to the standard of former years, we must continue to place men in control of them whose experience has fitted them for their positions. We trust that the wishes of the officers of the association may be heeded, and that the students may by a generous attendance at tonight's meeting give proof of their interest in the organization to whose efforts we owe the annual return to Cambridge of the Mott Haven Cup.
