The meeting of the junior class last evening passed off with great unanimity. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: - President, F. S. Coolidge; vice-president, J. L. Snelling; secretary, W. T. Talbot; treasurer, George Higginson; captain of crew, R. F. Fiske; captain of eleven, W. W. Willard; captain nine, C. E. Loud. The report of the management of the class crew showed a gratifying reduction in the debt. Below is given the statement of the manager, Mr. D. W. Bowles: -
To subscriptions from class, $1,024 50
To sale of boat, 98 00
Borrowed by management to buy new boat, 200 00
Total, $1,322 50
Total indebtedness at beginning of year, $958 35
Total expenses of class races, 155 15
University Boat Club for new shell, 200 00
$1,313 50
Total received, $1,322 50
Total expended, 1,313 50
Balance on hand, $9 00
Total unpaid bills, including $200 to buy new shell, $269.75. Balance on hand, $9.00. Present indebtedness, $260.75.
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