The students will this afternoon be given the opportunity of witnessing what bids fair to be a brilliant game of lacrosse. The visiting team is made up of old and experienced players whose skill and endurance have won the championship of Canada. The college will place in the field a strong twelve, many of whose members played upon the team which last year brought to Cambridge the double championship, that of the inter-collegiate association and of the United States. While the match of this afternoon must not be looked upon in the light of an international contest, yet it will prove unusually interesting, and will afford the college a chance to be present at a game of lacrosse "as is lacrosse." Naturally enough the probabilities are that the Montreal men will score a victory, for their summer practice cannot fail to tell against the three months of inaction through which our team has passed. The recent work of the college players has, however, been so effective that they may fairly be expected to exhibit something of the snap and energy which characterized their work as a team last season. In recognition of the honors which the team of last year won for college, the students ought to make it a point to be present at the game this afternoon.
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