Tutoring in Pol. Econ. I. G. Drop pers, 53 C. H.
Tutoring in N. H. 2 and in Hist. 13' J. A. Hill, 48 Thayer.
Tutroing in N. H. 8, 4, 3 and 2. H. Webster, 6 Little's.
To LET-A sunny furnished apartment at 715 Cambridge street.
I will tutor a few more in N. H. 2 and 4. T. C. Bachelder, '83, 16 Hollis.
Tutoring in N. H. I and II. Apply to D. Keeleher, '85, Stoughton 12.
A club of ten or twelve can be accommodated with board at the corner of Boylston and Mt. Auburn streets.
I will tutor a few more in N. H. 2 and 4. T. C. Bachelder, '83, 16 Hollis.
Tutoring in Political Economy 1 and German. T. H. Root, 22 Divinity.
Tutoring in N. H. I and II. Apply to D. Kelleher, '85, Stoughton 12.
A club of ten or twelve can be accommodated with board at the corner of Boylston and Mt. Auburn streets.
German lessons given for 45 cents per hour by Plato, German professor, 8541-2 Main street, Cambridge.
Scorates, a German student, will tutor in all the German courses for 40 cents an hour. Address 36 C. H. Refers to Mr. Lutz.
Lost-On Wednesday. January 7, a scarf-pin consisting of a coral shell with pearl in centre. Finder will oblige by returning same to 51 Grays.
J. F. Noera has opened to the inspection of the public. a new tailoring department. His new method for cleansing clothes by the steam-naptha process is ne plus ultra. 438 Harvard st.
WANTED-To employ, one or two afternoons a week, by a Professor in the University, the services of a student expert in shorthand writing. Address enclosing specimens of longhand, STENOGRAPHER, Cambridge, Mass.
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