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It certainly is very rude for a man to leave the lecture room before the lecture is finished, and that so many are in the habit of doing it is to be regretted. Of course under certain circumstances, such as sudden illness, leaving the room during the lecture is perfectly excusable, but for a man to leave simply because he finds the lecture rather dry or because he is rather sleepy, is rude to both lecturer and fellow students. If a man goes with the idea of leaving in the middle of the hour, or soon after the roll call, to say the least he shows himself off in no very good light. So much for courtesy among the students. On the side of the lecturers, is it not their duty to be prompt in closing their lectures and not to keep their sections three, five or more minutes after the hour. The evil is one that is felt especially in all but the last hours of the morning and afternoon sessions, when the men-or at least most of them-have other lectures immediately following. With regard to the last hours of the two sessions, we believe that the instructors would get more courtesy from the students if they were more prompt in the dismissal of their sections. Certain it is that those who habitually keep their sections over the hour, get little favor among the students.
