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From the Yale News we learn that the enthusiastic supporters of the blue have organized a club for polo playing on roller skates. Coupled with this report comes the alarming statement that this new departure is made with a view of bringing one more championship to New Haven, for we are informed that a strong team has already been put in training, and that a challenge has been sent to the Harvard Polo Club. But this time, though it is evident that Yale is hunting for one more scalp wherewithal to complete the mural decorations of its wigwam, Harvard must beg to be excused. We don't play that kind of polo. We are lazy, it must be granted, but still it looks rather well to trot through our games on ponies, and, since we trot through our classics in the same way, everything is in keeping, and the tout ensembles admirable! See? To be sure, our polo players have never played anybody, and odds are even if they ever do, but we have never been defeated in polo yet, and shan't be until Yale or some other college sends a rival team cantering into the lists, on real, live ponies.
