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Under the same head we wish to speak of the letter of resignation sent by the advisory committee to the boat club during the recess. The gentlemen of that committee say that as they are not in accord with the under-graduates in the matter of a paid coach, it seems but proper for them to resign. It is, indeed, unfortunate that a state of things has come to pass, such as to bring a difference between this committee and the students. Since its organization, no one can deny that it has given material aid to the cause of boating at Harvard. Its members have worked hard, (and here let it be said that no one has ever worked harder for Harvard boating than Mr. Watson), and always for what they deemed the best interests of Harvard. This being the case, why would not such a committee be of service in the future? Most decidedly it would. But it also seems impossible that there should never be a disagreement between the committee and the under-graduates. When the two do happen to be at loggerheads, one side must give way; and this time the committee's turn to yield has come. If only as a matter of courtesy, however, the letter should be acted upon at once. The boat club ought to have a meeting, everyone should go and action be taken. Either the undergraduates there assembled must yield and put themselves in accord with the committee and refuse to accept the resignation, or, if they persist in maintaining their present position, which seems more than probable, they must do the reverse, ask the committee to give way themselves in deference to the express desire of the under-graduates. If the committee cannot see their way clear to yield on this issue and still remain as future advisers to the student body, why the time has certainly come to tender them our hearty thanks for their past services and accept their resignations. This done, the most advisable thing to do is to ask three other gentlemen more in accord with the present under-graduate sentiment to act as our advisors in the future.
