
Fact and Rumor.

Thesis in History 10 will be due Saturday.

The fifth theme in English 12 will be due Friday.

After the mid-years, the text book in German 1 will be Goethe's Prosa.

In Philosophy 1, the examination will be entirely on the subject of logic.

A meeting of the directors of the Dining Association will be held today at 1.30 P. M.


Edward Everett Hale will deliver the Phi Beta Kappa oration at Brown University this year.

Students in Chem. 1 are expected to finish the first forty-four experiments before the midyear examinations.

Several of the professors spent the recess away from Cambridge. Prof. Dyer went as far west as Chicago.

Complaints are frequent among the students in regard to the colossal proportions of the gas bills for this term.

The Criterion Club of Boston is to hold a grand boxing match, February 17, in which several Harvard men will take part.

The Harvard Club of Chicago is in a flourishing condition. A dinner was held a week or two ago, and the club has a large membership.

The Chess Club will probably give a dinner to Capt. McKensie, the noted player, when he comes to Boston in the latter part of the month.

Girard College, Philadelphia, has just opened a school of technology. It will not attempt to teach in full any one trade, but to give instruction in the skillful use of tools in wood and iron. This is in some respects a new experiment.

A series of lectures are being given before the Boston University Law School by Dr. Wharton of Philadelphia, who is staying in Cambridge.

John C. Ropes, Esq., will deliver an informal lecture to members of History 15 on Napoleon Buonaparte, a week from Thursday in Dr. Channing's room.
