
The Year 1884, II.


The record of the latter part of 1884, the first term of the academic year, 1884-5, is given below. All the games recorded are foot ball games, so that the words foot ball are understood in each case.

Sept. 25. The College Year, 1884-5, began.

Sept. 29. '88 Matriculated.

Sept. 30. Annual meeting of the Boat Club.

Sept. 30. Annual Meeting of the Foot Ball Association.


Oct. 1. Meeting of '88.

1. Annual meeting of the H. A. A.

Oct. 1. Annual meeting of the Tennis Association.

Oct. 2. Annual meeting of the Harvard Union.

Oct. 4. Cricket-Harvard, 91; Longwood, 38.

Oct. 6. Annual meeting of the Lacrosse Association.

Oct. 7. Annual meeting of the Cricket Club.

Oct. 7. Intercollegiate Tennis Tournament began.

Oct. 10. First Hare and Hounds run.

Oct. 11. Scratch Races.

11. Harvard, 43; Technology, 5.

15. Unveiling of the John Harvard statue.

Oct. 16. Second Hare and Hounds run.

16. Annual meeting of the Shooting Club.

Oct. 18. Canoe Club Regatta.

22. Schurz torchlight Parade.

22. Harvard, 0; Univer. of Penn., 4.

Oct. 23. Senior Class Election.

25. Fall Field Meeting, H. A. A.

25. Harvard, 42; Technology, 0.

28. Third Hare and Hound run.

29. Law School Parade for Cleveland.

Oct. 30. '88, '69 ; Adams Academy, 0.

31. Shakspere Club formed.

31. Harvard, 67; Trinity. 0.

Nov. 1. Harvard, 0; Wesleyan, 16.

1. '88, 9; Andover Academy, 0.

3. Grand Torchlight Parade.

6. Harvard, 23; Williams, 0.

6. First Symphony Concert.

8. Harvard, 20; Ottawa, 6.

8. '88, 6; Exeter, 14.

10. Harvard, 26; Dartmouth, 0.

12. Harvard, 51 ; Tufts, 0.

12. '88, 12; Boston Latin, 0.

13. Fourth Hare and Hounds run.

15. Harvard, 6; Princeton, 34.

22. Harvard, 0; Yale, 48.

24. Fifth Hare and Hounds run.

25. Hockey Club formed.

25. Foot Ball Manifesto Issued.

25. A paid coach for the crew forbidden.

Nov. 27. Thanksgiving Day recess.

Dec. 1. Foot ball hearing.

4. Second Symphony concert.

5. Sixth Hare and Hounds run.

*. Photographic Society formed.

9. Glee Club and Pierian Sodality concert.

Dec. 10. Foot Ball mass meeting.

10. First Roberts Hall Assembly.

11. Public meeting of the Shakspere Club.

Dec. 15. Prof. Gosse-Thomas Gray.

16. First Cambridge Assembly.

18. First Harvard Assembly.

23. Christmas recess began.
