
One More Bust for Harvard.

The gentlemen in England who placed the memorial of Longfellow in Westminster Abbey, remembering the friends of the poet in this country, have generously sent two copies of the bust of the poet, one to Harvard College and the other to the Maine Historical Society of Portland, the city where he was born. These replicas left Liverpool about the middle of December on the Canard line, which will forward them free of expense, and ought soon to be here. Meanwhile a letter from the Prince of Wales has been received by the president, announcing the gift. It is as follows:

LONDON, December, 1884.To the President and Fellows Harvard

College, Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A.:

Gentlemen-the executive committee of the Longfellow Memorial Fund have much pleasure in offering to the president and fellows of Harvard College a copy of the bust of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, executed by Thomas Brock, A. R. A., and recently placed amongst the memorials of British worthies in Poet's Corner, Westminster Abbey.


They trust that a prominent place within the walls of your college may be assigned for this memorial bust, where it will testify to future generations the affectionate and fraternal regard which binds in closest amity the kindred people who speak the same language on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.


ALBERT EDWARD, P. Chairman of Committee.W. C. BENNET, Hon. Sec.FRANCIS BENNOCH, Treasurer.
