A prominent periodical, in nothing the changes made this year in our curriculum, gives utterance to the following commendatory words: "The prescribed studies for the freshman year are hereafter to be rhetoric and English composition, German or French, physics and chemistry. The list of electives is large, and is headed by Latin, Greek and mathematics. Latin and Greek are still among the requirements for entrance, but after admission they are to be pursued only in case the student chooses to do so. A generation ago, the ordinary college course consisted of Latin, Greek and mathematics almost exclusively, with the addition of mental and moral philosophy and logic, and possibly a course of Christian evidences. History was little taught, except indirectly, the modern languages and the physical sciences were almost ignored, while subjects like political economy, comparative politics and sociology were almost unheard of by the undergraduate. Now Harvard swings to the opposite extreme, and changes all this; not only so, but there is prospect that the future Harvard graduate will know something of the use and abuse of his mother tongue. We have so long worshipped Greek and Roman statues in this country, that the average American has failed to perceive the living heroes of his own country. We judge this will be changed in the future. It will be a happy change."
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