Prof. Gosse lectured to the Yale students Saturday evening.
John says that his business has been booming for the past week.
The attendance of students at the churches yesterday was unusually small.
Prof. W. G. Sumner's little book, "Social Classes," has been translated into French.
The vacation at the Mass. Institute of Technology has begun. The next term opens Feb. 2.
The examination in N. H. 3 seems to have given great satisfaction to members of that course.
The Sunday Herald contained a long editorial on the state of religious feeling at Harvard.
The Somerville Lacrosse Club, whose team was defeated last spring by the '87 lacrosse twelve, his just been presented with the stand of colors emblematic of the championship of New England won by the club last season.
Wesleyan has been invited to participate in the regatta for the Childs cup, in place of Princeton, lately resigned.
The work on the quin-quennial catalogue will be done this year by Mr. Tillinghast of the library, as Mr. Sibley is incapacitated by age.
The Yale Phi Beta Kappa society has arranged for a winter's course of eight lectures on "Topics of the Time" for the members of the college.
A series of Sunday discourses will be given at Kings Chapel, Boston. Among the gentlemen who will speak are professors Toy, Lyon and Everett of the Divinity School.
The Pierian and Glee Club coffee parties will be given as usual this winter in Roberts' Hall. Messrs. Draper and Storer, '85, and R. D. Smith, '86, will act as managers.
Freshman, coming into Memorial to lunch just after taking his first midyear,- "I tell you what, that's the easiest and fairest paper I've had since I've been here to scho-ollege!"
The membership of the Co-operative Society of the University of Michigan numbered about two hundred and fifty members a month ago, and the cash transactions of the previous ten weeks amounted to about two thousand dollars.
A Law School man had his hat blown away at noon in the middle of the yard and although he and his friends searched everywhere for it, they were unable to find it.
Typographical errors sometimes appear in the columns of the CRIMSON, but, half-column article in Saturday's Record surpasses, in poor proofreading, anything that has appeared in college journalism for some time. The article in question contained eighteen errors. If the proof reader on our Boston E. C. continues in this course, he will break the Record.
The papers of the University of Michigan are crying loudly for a new gymnasium. There is a gymnasium fund, but as yet no gymnasium in the University, This seems very remarkable, for the number of students at the University of Michig on is somewhere near one thousand, and there can be few places in the country where a gymnasium is more needed than there.
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