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If not fire escapes, why not hand grenades? This is an age of improvements and this university is, or makes frequent claims to be, the patron of all things progressive. We have the latest novelties in elective systems, the latest in many other things and, we are loath to say it, the latest novelties in faculty interference with athletics. Why not the latest preventative for fires? Several years ago the authorities, tired of being reminded that the lives of the students under their charge were in imminent danger in case of fire, had a trial of fire escapes to appease the clamors, then put staples in the rooms on the top stories, and, having thrown this sop to Cerberus, let the whole matter drop.

But, whereas the authorities seemed satisfied with this meagre action, the students were and are not satisfied. Every time an orphan or insane asylum is burned down and a number of inmates become victims to the fiery element, the students in the tall dormitories tremble and sigh for better protection. As was said earlier in the year the staples nestling in the woodwork of the bedrooms fail to give complete confidence that a fire would not bring disastrous consequences. There fore, why should not the authorities jump at the chance to prevent fires entirely, since a ready means for so doing has lately been invented? We refer to the new hand grenades, the accounts of successful trials of which fill the columns of the daily press. One or two of these kept in each suite of rooms would enable the occupant in case of fire to be his own fire company and subdue the rising flames before they became dangerous and out of his control. The plan is one which brings the recommendation, not only of safety but of economy, For, if every man could readily extinguish any fire at the start, no large fires would take place, and the college would be a gainer as well as the student. The grenades once provided would last almost indefinitely and the small number which it is probable would be used could readily be replaced from a reserve.
