
Fact and Rumor.

Eight men are trying for the position of pitcher on the Yale nine.

It is said that there are thirty candidates for the nine at Exeter.

Only one crew ventured out upon North avenue yesterday afternoon.

It is said that Bremer and Goodwin will not play on the Yale nine this year,

Many seniors and juniors failed to call for their forensics in Sever Hall, yesterday afternoon.


More new coat hooks have been put up in the basement and fencing room of the gymnasium.

The Harvard Chess Club has sent a challenge to the Yale Chess Club. A reply has not yet been received.

There is some talk of offering President Arthur the presidency of Union College, of which he is a graduate.

A new bulletin board with glass cover has been placed in the entry of the gymnasium. It is for official notices.

Kendall F. Crocker, '88. has been appointed captain of the freshman tug-of-war team by Capt. Woodman of the crew.

Professor Thompson, who delivered the lectures here on Protection, will lecture before the Yale students on the same subject.

A plan is on foot for a confederation of the colleges of Ontario, Canada, Seven colleges are embraced in the scheme.

Communications to the CRIMSON are collected from the Harvard Co-operative box at 9.25 A. M., and at 12.25, 2.55, 5.55 P. M.

Baxter, '83, the noted sparer, broke his hand on Tuesday for the third time in a bout with one of the leading Boston professionals.

Harvard is already training for the Mott Haven games; so are we. Every morning about 40 men make a hundred yards dash up the Chapel aisles.-[Ex.
