We hope that the cares and anxieties of the midyears will not cause the college, or at least that part of it interested in the question, to forget the offer which the officers of the Art Club have made. This offer will remain open until next Monday and seems advantageous enough to be accepted. We have no doubt that there are a sufficient number of persons interested in the aims and purposes of an Art Club to insure its success. The real difficulty is in getting these men together. We would therefore propose that a meeting be held in the rooms of the club for the purpose of forming another organization. A notice of this meeting could be circulated, and an opportunity thus offered for those interested to get together at an appointed time and place, and then to consider the advisability of accepting the offer of the present management. We hope something of the sort will be done, for we should regret to see the Art Club disappear. It is true that within late years it has not occupied the position it deserves, but we think that with a new and energetic management the present luke warmness will soon give way to a useful activity.
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