Excluding the city of Washington, the section of the country from Mary-land to Texas is represented in this college by only twenty-five men, -a number only slightly exceeding the representation in the university of the western city of San Francisco. Of course, the cause for this small showing of Southerners here is the impoverished state of the South since the war. Only a wealthy region sends men to college. But, in view of the present growth of the South toward prosperity this cause should soon be operating less and less. In fact, we hear that the number of Southerners at Princeton is already beginning to approach the old ante bellum figures. We therefore hope soon to see a similar increase at Harvard. One way in which this event can be hastened is by each Southerner now at Harvard preaching the Harvard propaganda in the place where he lives. Love for their Alma Mater should prompt men to do this, for every accession to the number of students brings a corresponding increase to the prosperity of the university.
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