
Vassar's Rival.


From the New York Sun we take the following description of the latest addition to our ladies' college. The new institution is liberally endowed and under its efficient management, bids fair to rival its older established sister college, Vassar.

"Byrn Mawr is nine miles from Philadelphia, on the line of the Pennsylvania railroad, and is one of the prettiest places of summer resort within easy distance of the Quaker City. Its topography is picturesque. But one of the distinguishing features of Bryn Mawr hereafter is to be its college for the higher education of women, situate in the midst of 32 acres of choice land, and connected with which are the cottages already built and others yet to be built for the pleasant accommodation of the faculty and any overflow of students. This Bryn Mawr College "was founded by the late Joseph W. Taylor, M. D., a prominent member of the Society of Friends, of Burlington, N. J. He bought the land and began the erection of the buildings in 1879. Dying in 1880, he left an endowment of $800,000 for the continuance of the work he had begun." The buildings now in course of construction and to be completed, ready for use in June next, comprise the college proper, 130 feet long and three stories high, with rooms for chemical, biographical and botanical laboratories. an assembly room, a library an reading room, and recitation rooms.

A second building contains the dormitories, with study rooms, connected with the bed chambers of the students. A third building, 80x74, is intended for a gymnasium, with all the most perfect appliances, office, bathrooms, a dressing and an examination room. The laundry occupies a fourth building. The trustees of this college. under the will of the founder, are to be members of the Society of Friends. Some of the managers of the old Haverford school, now converted into a college, are also trustees of the Bryn Mawr institution. A part of its faculty has already been selected. Miss M. Carey Thomas, a daughter of Dr. James Carey Thomas of University of Zurich, Switzerland, has been appointed dean of the faculty and professor of English. and Edmund B. Wilson of Johns Hopkins University associate professor of biology.
