Tutoring in N. H. 2. 3 and 4, by T. W. Harris, 18 Thayer.
Tutoring in list. 2, N, H. 2, and N. H. 4. M. W. Roch rdson, 68 Thayer.
Tutoring in English 2, and Classics. Apply to '85, '43 Thayer Hall.
Tutoring in Chemistry I, and Freshman Chemistry. W. S. Robinson. S. 15.
For Tutoring in Engl. 7, Phil. 2, and Phils. 4, Apolitical Economy I and German. T. H. Root, 22 Divinity.
Tutoring in N. H. 4, 8. and 14, and in Math. 2. H. L. Sunih, 30 Mt. Auburn street.
Lost-Paley's AEchvkus. Finder will please return to Theodor e Dunham, Holyoke 35.
Tutoring in Freshman Math., Math. 2 and Chemistry 1. S. L. Harding, 13 Wendell street.
Tutoring in Phil. 2, Pol. Econ. 1, Hist. 8, 10, and 11. F. Coggeshall. 35 College House.
J. F. Noera has opened to the inspection of the public, a new tailoring department. His new method for cleansing clothes by the steam-naptha process is ne plus ultra. 438 Harvard st.
LECTURES-Two lectures will be given in History 2, at 68 Thayer, Thursday, January 22, at 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. The course will be taken up as laid down in the syllabus, each point being briefly touched upon. M. W. Richardson.
Mr. Bernard Schaeder, who has taught in this city for three years with the greatest success, will come to Cambridge to prepare students for next examinations. Will also take a limited number of pupils either in German Literature or Conversation. Address 6 Park square.
Sparring entertainment at Lyceum Hall, Wednesday evening, January 21. The following well known men will participate: J. Shannon and J. Malone, Tug Collins, and Saxey Joyce; J. Sweeney, and W. Ramsey; Prof. Bagley, and J. Daley; R. Lord, and J. Murphy; J. Cunninham, and J. Sullivan; J. Harlin and J. Green; J. Doherty, and W. Neale; and Kneeland, and T. Sullivan. Mr. Jake Kilrain will act as master of ceremonies. Tickets, 50 cts., for sale at Leavitt and Pierce.
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Funeral of Professor Lovering.