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Inquiries are now being anxiously made as to the sudden disappearance of the Hockey Club, the youngest of our institutions. We were promised, at the birth of this association, that all signs of activity would be dispensed with for the present; but with the advent of cold weather and good skating, we were told, the signs of activity would be numerous and frequent. The cold weather has come and with it the long expected skating, but a careful and diligent search has failed to reveal to us any signs that such a society as the Hockey Club has an existence among us. Can it be that the approach of the midyears causes the enthusiasm of the officers to ooze away before the greater enthusiasm which a blue book can provoke? Can it be that this youthful club, hardly accustomed to the light of day, has already proved so demoralizing to our characters and dangerous to our safety that it has been suppressed? If, however, these suppositions are all incorrect, what then has become of the Hockey Club? The opportunities which it has of usefulness are fast slipping away. Will they all slip away before the awakening of the club from its present lethargy?
