
Fact and Rumor.

The skating on Jamaica Pond is very fine.

Several new men have taken up fencing.

The Hockey Club has been to Fresh Pond several times.

The assuagements of the Loan Fund are ready at the Bursar's.

Dr. Hart will review History 13 at 4 P. M. today in Harvard 6.


Note books and mounts in N. H. 5 must be handed in by Saturday.

Ice is now formed on Fresh Pond sufficiently strong to afford good skating.

The fourth symphony concert will be given in Sanders Theatre tomorrow evening.

The mid winter number of the Amherst Student contains a picture of the new Pratt Gymnasium.

The indigent students of Dartmouth receive $5,000 a year from the state of New Hampshire.

Some of the men trying for the Senior crew are the most powerful that ever tried for any class crew.

The examination in Mathematics 4 is not scheduled. The date of this examination will be Tuesday, Jan. 27th.

The results of the recent hour examination in Greek 5 will be posted in the recitation room in Sever, during the present week.

Mr. Wm. M. Davis read an interesting paper last evening before the Massachusetts Meteorological Society in Boston.

Many students interested in sparring will no doubt attend the sparring exhibition by several well known professionals at the Lyceum Hall this evening.

The last Harper's Weekly contains the second one of Professor Sumner's articles on "Our currency for the past twenty-five years.

It is reported that there is a freshman intending to enter the winter meeting, who has had several years' experience in fencing.

Besides the examination in Math. 4, members are required to hand in a large number of examples, in order to get their marks in the course.

Robinson, '87, who was injured in the gymnasium Friday, is getting along very well, and will regain the use of his arms, it is hoped, in a week or two.

The Beck-Holworthy club at the Law School is composed of the following members: Spelman, Bangs, Dana, Bates, Dow. Underwood, Cummings, Whitwell.

The plans of the Greek house and gymnasium, used by members of Greek 18, will be left in the recitation room in Sever, for consultation, until the examination.

Twelve men have gone into training for the Columbia crew and good hopes are entertained of turning out a crew able to compete with Harvard successfully. -[News.

The chess tournament between the Yale and Princeton clubs has begun. The game is to be conducted by postal card, and, at the Yale end is under the supervision of five picked players.

Princeton has informed the University of Pennsylvania that her crew will no longer be a competitor for the Childs cup. In view of this the cup will probably be awarded to the winner of the intercollegiate regatta.

Yesterday morning the yard was the scene of an impromptu dog flight between a New foundland and a bull-pup. The former retired from the field on three legs, and the (?) was taken in charge by his master and soundly cuffed.

Some of the freshmen have started the unpleasant trick of applauding class mates who come in late in the rhetoric lectures. -DAILY CRIMSON. -Pshaw! We've been doing that this long time. -[Brunohian.
