
Latin at Sight.

The crop of extraordinary translations from respectable old classical authors, as gleaned from our exchanges, says the Collegian, is unusually prolific this year. Some of them are startling in their originality and ingenuity, others are completely bewildering in the wild luxuriance of imagination which they betoken on the part of the translator. For instance, Virgil is made to say in "Impositi rogis juvenes ante ora parentum," "And the boys were imposed upon by the rogues in the very teeth of their parents." Another from the same source, "Hunc Polydorum auri," "A hunk of gold belonging to Polydorus." Horace fares little better when the verse " Parcus deorum cultus et infrequent" is rendered, "The park of the gods was not frequently cultivated. "Another one, "Exegi monimentum are perennius," "I have eaten a monument, and c." Here is one from Livy, "Venus ei candida veste apparuit," "Venus appeared to him with a white vest on." Another from the historian, "P. Scipio equestri genere natus," "Publius Scipio was born at a horse race." Here are two renderings of apparently cognate origin: "Caesaris bonas leges," "The bony legs of Caesar." "Nune viridi membra sub arbuto stratus," "He having now stretched his green limbs under the arbutus." We could add to the catalogue, "Sed damnatio, quid confert," or, as a Hoosier Freshman rendered it, "But, damnation, what good is it."
